I can still see the landing page I've just deactivated! I even deleted the plugin but it is still there!
This is 100% caching issue! Please make sure to delete cache from your caching plugins, hosting provider cache and browser as well. CMP plugin supports all most popular caching plugins, but sometimes it just does not work as expected and you still need to delete it manually in caching plugin option.
I love the landing page so much, can I use it forever?
Yes of course! You can use CMP landing pages as your main splash page! Just make sure to set CMP plugin to "Coming Soon & Landing Page" mode which returns correct response codes to web search engines.
How can I translate text on buttons, countdown text and others?
Go to CMP Settings > CMP Translation sub-menu where you can translate or modify every string used!
What are 503 or 200 HTTP codes, huh?
OK, it`s easy - if you want to display Coming Soon page you usually wants to search engines (like Google) to be able to index your website. In that case you want the response code set to 200 HTTP "OK" - set Coming Soon mode or Landing Page.
On the other hand if you have your website already up and running but you are doing only a short maintenance it is better to send response 503 HTTP Service Unavailable code. By that way you make sure the search engines do not index your temporarily website while it's down for a short maintenance and do not lower your website SEO score.
Is it a bug? No one likes BUGS! How can I report it?
This is awkward and shame on us:(. Fortunately we are friendly guys and if you let us know about it on WordPress Support Forum we promise to fix it as soon as possible!
I have a perfect idea for new features!
That's great! We are happy to hear about any feature or idea you might have to make our plugin perfect! Just let us know NiteoThemes website and we will discuss it!
I really love your plugin and I want to support it!
Nothing is better than a good feedback! Please go to Plugin reviews and rate it! Alternatively you can click on a Donate button too!:)
== Changelog ==
CMP 3.5.6 - 22-Jun-19
- New feature - CMP Import and Export! You can now import/export/backup CMP Settings under CMP Advanced submenu!
- Added Support Headers and Footers plugin and SimpleAnalytics plugin!
- Redesigned CMP Advanced Menu!
CMP 3.5.5 - 13-Jun-19
- YouTube brand name corrected - @khpro!
CMP 3.5.4 - 12-Jun-19
- Resolved issue with SEO image not properly set for Open Graph Protocol - thanks to @jeegrobot!
CMP 3.5.3 - 09-Jun-19
- Fixed broken templates preview links
CMP 3.5.2 - 05-Jun-19
CMP 3.5.1 - 30-May-19
- Added mimes filter to alllow custom fonts to upload via media library.
CMP 3.5 - 29-May-19
- Beautiful new CMP Theme: TimeX!
- New awesome feature: possibility to use custom fonts!
- New layout of Font customization for better preview - it is visible even on smaller screens now.
- Font Family is loaded and displayed on hover instead of click-selection from dropdown fonts list.
- Updated PO/MO translation files to include new translation strings which came with few lasts updates.
CMP 3.4.10 - 08-May-19
- Resolved issue with missing styles for topbar under theme preview. Caused by last update..sorry guys
CMP 3.4.9 - 08-May-19
- Resolved conflict with WP Bakery builder - thanks to @7dotmarketing!
- Resolved sytling conflict with Proxy & VPN blocker plugin - thanks to EU Zheninjas!
CMP 3.4.8 - 07-May-19
- New CMP Theme: Ares! Check it out guys.
- New wp.org plugin screenshots.
- Minor tweaks and bug fixes in the code.
CMP 3.4.7 - 16-April-19
- Resolved issue with re-enabling the Whitelist if Blacklist was set when saving basic settings in some specific cases. Big thanks to Linus for noticing!
- Hide CMP Bundle banner if CMP Theme Manager is intalled
CMP 3.4.6 - 15-April-19
- Changed required user capatibility to access CMP Settings page to resolve issue with local admin on multisite installations.
CMP 3.4.5 - 10-April-19
- You can use custom URLs for CMP Blacklist as well now + added wildcard support for the URLs.
CMP 3.4.4 - 05-April-19
- New CMP Theme: Juno! Enjoy as usual :)
CMP 3.4.3 - 25-Mar-19
- Resolved Unsplash Image overlay issues. Thanks to @heartwired for noticing!
- CMP Coming soon mode is now disabled after plugin activation by default. Activation notice has been added. Thanks to @heartwired again!
- Updated Subscribe message formatting, if JavaScript is forbidden.
CMP 3.4.2 - 13-Mar-19
- Corrected PHP syntax in Whitelist Settings causing Fatal Error on PHP! Thanks million times to @n10s
CMP 3.4.1 - 12-Mar-19
- Removed hardcored URL for WhiteList/Blacklist settings. Sorry guys, it is late in night!
CMP 3.4 - 12-Mar-19
- CMP Subscribe form works again with firstname and lastname inputs, which was broken by last update. Thanks Jim!
- CORS policy update for Subscribe action, causing AJAX requests failed on some server configurations.
- New quick option to enable CMP for whole website or Homepage only.
CMP 3.3.2 - 27-Feb-19
- Added Spotify to social media icons as requested.
- Re-written JavaScript code for Email subscription, to resolve the issue with Subscription on some Nginx servers.
CMP 3.3.1 - 27-Feb-19
- Updated downloadable CMP Themes URL Links.
CMP 3.3 - 27-Feb-19
- New CMP Theme: Pluto! Minimalist Theme with beautiful typography, supports Countdown, Subscribe form and Image slider!
- New option: Set custom logo size!
CMP 3.2.2 - 18-Feb-19
- Added Support for CF7 with Google Recaptcha v3.
CMP 3.2.1 - 07-Feb-19
- Minor style changes when using Blur and Bubbles background effects together.
- Resolved issue with subscriber form error on some hostings.
CMP 3.2 - 25-Jan-19
- Added new CMP Theme: Mercury - enjoy our latest CMP Theme guys!
- Added Snapchat icon in Social Networks.
- Added Delete All bulk action to Subscribers table - thanks to @pqinstitute.
- Resolved bug in Subscribe Form - Firstname placeholder switched for Lastname - thanks to @pqinstitute.
CMP 3.1.2 - 05-Jan-19
- Resolved issue with not playing background local and YouTube videos - thanks to @potitoale for reporting it!
- Resolved bug, when CMP plugin was deactivated after new CMP theme upload.
- CMP Coming Soon Mode is automatically activated after plugin activation.
CMP 3.1.1 - 03-Jan-19
- Copyright message now supports 'target' attribute as requested by @frankoswaldo.
- Updated status when Coming Soon mode is disabled by Countdown expiration time.
CMP 3.1 - 19-Dec-18
- New Background Effect for Premium Themes: Floating Bubbles.
- New Feature: Possibility to add custom external scripts to head and footer.
- New Social Icon: Github as requested by @alessandro-mana
CMP 3.0.2 - 13-Dec-18
- Resolved issue with not functional Slider Settings after update to 3.0. Please also Update all Downloaded Themes.
CMP 3.0.1 - 12-Dec-18
- Compatibility with older PHP versions update
CMP 3.0 - 11-Dec-18
Once you update to new CMP version 3.0 you must also update your Premium themes (if you have any) due to compatibility issues!
- New Premium Theme: CMP Agency! Check it out, it looks awesome!
- UI Changes: Background image settings moved to Content Tab and is no longer Theme dependent. That means you set the image once and it is consistent for all Themes.
- New Feature: Added support for WP Rocket Caching Plugin.
CMP 2.9.4 - 21-Nov-18 - small bug fix
- Fixed PHP notice error on plugins page - thanks @pressworthammer!
CMP 2.9.3 - 20-Nov-18 - New features update
- New feature: Notification Email will be send to the Website Administrator once the set Counter time expires.
- New feature: Possibility to enable or disable CMP Icon in Admin Bar.
- UI Changes: Logo moved to Global Content Settings and is no longer Theme depenendent.
- Change: Graphic logo will always use full size even on mobile devices. - requested by @elektra3
CMP 2.9.2 - 09-Nov-18 - small bug fixes
- Resolved issue with deleting subscribers automatically after refreshing browser window if you deleted a subscriber manually. - thanks @samstoffer1
- Resolved issue with SEO Settings > custom Analytics script - thanks @ini0r
CMP 2.9.1 - 02-Nov-18 - bug fix
- Resolved Javascript error after upgrade.
CMP 2.9 - 02-Nov-18 - New features
- Added SEO Image Settings to SEO Settings.
- Added SEO Search Engine Visibility Checkbox.
- Added SEO no-cache Headers Control Checkbox.
- Added description to many input settings for better customer orientation.
- Added warning message for CMP Preview if there are unsaved settings.
- Updated embedded YouTube and Vimeo players CSS styles to be displayed correctly.
CMP - Bug Fix Update
- Changed default theme to CountDown after first installation.
- Updated CountDown theme CSS styles.
- Removed outdated HTML from Admin Settings.
- Fixed MS Edge saving issues - caused by Input range validation for font-height ( it still does not accept 1.4 and 1.5 values and cannot be saved if these values are selected! - good job M$ _--_ )
CMP 2.8.9 - New Features Update
- New CMP Theme Vega - go check it out!
- Settings changed - Subscribe Label changed to Subscribe Message, where you can add more text (GDPR, promotions..). Make sure to update CMP themes to latest version to reflect small design changes if you are using premium themes!
- Removed Unsplash preview from CMP Admin Settings because it generated too much requests reaching our limits of 10.000 requests / hour! you guys rock!
- Updated MailChimp API to include Firstname and Lastname in the request.
- Resolved CMP Theme updates issues + added message it contacts remote niteothemes servers to fetch the update files.
CMP 2.8.8 - Bug Fix Update
- Fixed not clickable Social URL inputs on mobile devices.
CMP 2.8.7 update
- Fixed uninstall hook - CMP plugin will now delete all it`s options after deletiton.
- XING Social Icon added - requested by @spieler.
CMP 2.8.6 update
- Resolved issue with CMP admin bar icon showing of disabled Coming soon even when enabled in reality.
CMP 2.8.5 update
- Resolved issue with 404 error after save settings on some server hostings. Big thanks to @darkbluesky and @superven15 for addresing this issue and help with troubleshooting!
- Updated 3d party caching plugins purging function.
- Resolved issue with fatal error caused by undefined function "get_current_screen()" in some edge cases - thanks to @wvega to highlight this issue!
- Resolved PHP warnings about bad parameters on some server hostings - thanks to @webboxone.
CMP 2.8.4 update
- New amazing Theme: Apollo! Check it out guys. We believe you are gonna love it!
- Added OG meta tags for social sharing - Facebook, Twitter and similar will now display your coming soon image.
CMP 2.8.3 update
- Resolved compatibility issues with Ronneby Theme - reported by @basile67.
- Google Fonts loads all subsets by default now - requested by @basile67.
CMP 2.8.2 maintenance update
- Throttle CMP Premium themes updates check to every 24 hours.
- Added Stripslashes function for Contact Form Button Label.
CMP 2.8.1 small update
- New feature: Support of Mailchimp Double Opt In integration.
- Internally rewritten CMP Class for a better plugin security.
CMP 2.8 update
CMP 2.7.1 update
- Resolved issue with bypassing CMP by selected roles - reported by @bundag, thanks!
CMP 2.7 update
- New Premium CMP Theme: Element. We hope you enjoy it guys!
- New Special effect for your backgrounds: Constellation. This one is for premium themes only.
- Resolved issue with added slashes in custom analytics scripts - reported by @christophklin
- Resolved issue with Content editor trimmmig custom HTML tags - reported by @damen02
- Resolved issue with (not)saving settings in Microsoft IE and Edge
CMP 2.6.6 update
- Added Telegram to Social icons - requested by @nicollem
- Resolved issue when the "Leave a review" window kept appearing even after dismissal immediately after plugin installation - thanks @hubmacfan
CMP 2.6.5 - maintenance update
- Updated CMP admin style to resolve issue on with admin bar on small screens. - requested by @hubmacfan and @trifo13
CMP 2.6.4 - sorry for this guys!
- Reverting back the changes due to SiteOrigin plugin issues. Shortocodes for embeded local videos should be working tho!
CMP 2.6.3
- Change in content generation to hopefully resolved issue with SiteOrigin and CMP content.
CMP 2.6.2 - small feature update
- Addded support for embedded videos in content settings - requested by @jstuts5797
CMP 2.6.1 - maintenance update
- Resolved 404 errpr while using MailChimp integration introduced in 2.6 update - it should all works as expected now!
- Unsplash API changes to meet the API new requirements - no need to worry much about this.
CMP 2.6 - Mailchimp integration and bug fixes!
- CMP default subscribe form can be integrated directly to Mailchimp via their API now. Woot!
- Resolved Subscriber form double click submit issue.
- Resolved Subscriber form double click submit issue. - thanks @idoran!
CMP 2.5.2 - maintenance update
- Fixed background video on Countdown theme - sorry for that guys!
CMP 2.5.1 - maintenance update
- Fixed issue call to undefined function wp_enqueue_code_editor after 2.5 update on older WordPress versions.
CMP 2.5 - user driven update with new requested features :)
- New Theme: Stylo - modern, animated full-page background graphics for your landing, coming soon or maintenance page!
- New background effects option. From time to time we will add new effects for your backgrounds, this time it is Blur effect, which will be available for all free and premium Themes!
- New Feature: you can enable CMP bypass URL, which can be sent to your users to bypass CMP for website preview.
- New Feature: custom CSS textarea replaced by CSS Code Editor for easier CSS coding.
== Changelog ==
CMP 2.4.2 - maintenance update
- Optimized delivery of javascript in CMP themes
- Fifty theme new slice slider option
- Update compatibility with few other plugins which caused issues in admin styles
CMP 2.4.1 - bug fixes
- Fixed issue when activation settings could not be saved in some cases.
CMP 2.4 - Sweet update
*** Please make sure you update all downloaded CMP themes to enable features from this update ***
- New theme: Orbit! Go ahead and try it out, it is fun!
- New feature: Possibility to add custom HTML tags to Copyright. Thanks @lumayaundyo!
- New settings: Background color for Social icons for Construct Theme. Thanks @shi-la!
- New settings: "Top Bar Switch Access" in Advanced page to enable/disable access to Top Bar switcher for specific User roles. Requested by @ebrockway, thanks!
- Fixed single quote escaping for Title, Copyright Title, Social Media Title and Copyright. Thanks @normsash!
- Fixed uninstall hook issue when in some cases the CMP options were not deleted from Database - thanks to @travellingwithtania for pointing out that!
- Fixed "PHP Notice: Undefined index: HTTP_USER_AGENT" message appearing on some specific PHP server installations - thanks to @travellingwithtania for pointing out that!
- Fixed mobile version of Eclipse theme when it kept scrolling up immediately after user scrolled down if there is none or very little content - thanks to @lumayaundyo!
CMP 2.3.1 - fixes countdown responsivness
- Fixed Countdown theme reponsivness. Thanks @tom80550
CMP 2.3 - minor update
- Updated CMP User roles filter to include all user/plugin created user-roles.
- Added Whatsapp and Phone numbers to social icons as requested by @axxessia, thanks!
- Resolved responsivness issue in CMP Construct theme on IOS mobile devices, thanks to @vidcat17!
- Changed selection of Google fonts from 800 to 100 most Popular fonts to speed up things litle bit.
CMP 2.2.4 - maintenance update
- Resolved issue with not working Blacklist / Whitelist.
- Resolved issue when set font-weight and font-style did not properly display in CMP Themes.
- Added CMP Settings link to WordPress Plugin page after activation.
CMP 2.2.3 - maintenance update
- Resolved issue with not loading Unsplash images.
CMP 2.2.2 - maintenance update
- Resolved compatibility issue with latest Wordpress version when upload CMP field was not visible.
CMP 2.2.1 - maintenance update
- Resolved issue with enqueuing header scripts - Google Analytics and etc. after update 2.2
CMP 2.2 - very sweet update :)
This update brings you a heavily requsted features such a whitelist/blacklist, user roles setup and also few other nice changes including:
New Advanced Settings page:
- You can setup CMP Page Whitelist to display CMP Theme only on the particular WordPress Pages.
- You can setup CMP Page Blacklist to disable CMP Theme on the particular WordPress Pages.
- You can setup User Roles to bypass CMP Theme, the roles are following: Editor, Author, Contributor and Subscriber.
- Added custom Analytics code, so you can choose to insert Google Analytics ID or custom Javascript code if you are using different or custom Website analytics solution.
- Moved Postery and Eclipse Themes from bundled to downloadable freebies.
- UI Changes: Premium themes changed to "Downloadable themes" including freebies now. If you install downloaded CMP Theme, it will be moved to available themes for and removed from downloadables section for better readability.
- Completely rewritten Unsplash API to avoid duplicated cached images when using Image sliders.
- CMP Subscriber form AJAX submission to avoid Website reload for better user experience.
- Resolved bug when CMP page was set to Redirect mode but the website was sometimes not redirected to custom URL after set TimeOut.
- New free CMP theme Eclipse available for download with beautiful Counter, extended Footer and Welcome hero screen animation. Check it out CMP Freebies
- New and awesome Font Selector - Select any Google Font - 800+ Font Families - and customize Contect and Headings font styles (Weight, Line height, Letter Spacing)
- Replaced all default HTML select boxes by Select2 add-on.
- Fixed: updated compatibility with all themes and plugins - sometime it happened the CMP content was over-ruled by another plugin or Theme.
- Added support for new modern text effects in selected themes (Fade in from top, bottom, left and right).
- Updated all CMP Theme`s design for mobile devices
- Changed CMP Plugin version numbering from 1.xx to 2.x
- Fixed bug with Soundcloud icon issues from previous update. Sorry folks!
- New Feature: CMP predefined mode (Coming Soon, Maintenance or Redirect) can be activated / deactivated via quick icon in Admin menu bar (even when visiting your site if you are logged in!).
- Fixed issue: Contruct Theme parallax scrolling did not work correctly after last update.
- Fixed issues: Revisited all themes CSSs - some of them had rendering issues in FF (especially Construct Theme). Thanks @samuele81 for addressing the issue!
- Added SoundCloud to social icon list as requested by @samuele81.
- Theme enhancement: revisited Countdown Theme for more modern design.
- Few minor graphic changes in CMP UI Settings.
Once you update to new CMP version 1.12.0 you must also update your Premium themes (if you have any) due to compatibility issues!
- New Feature: Background Gradient support which allows you to select from our awesome predefined gradients or setup yours.
- New Feature: Translation variables finally available. You can now translate every text on your landing page including counter and subscribe form.
- Updated design of CMP Frame theme.
- Many changes in CMP UI for more user friendly interface including our CMP sidebar.
- Rewrited part of internal code for faster loading times and better PHP code maintenance.
- New Feature: Background videos supports local WordPress library.
- New Feature: Option to set a delay for Redirect Mode.
- Fixed issues with displaying Themes in Internet Explorer.
- Removed automatic check for updates to NiteoThemes server for free CMP Themes to meet WordPress Plugins policy.
- New free theme: Postery! Enjoy new free Theme with modern design and 3D animation! We hope you like as we do :)
- Bug fixes: an awkward bug when the settings for background color did not work.
- Small UI changes in CMP Settings page.
- New Feature: Video background option
- Small changes in CMP Settings page.
!Important Notice!
Theme related settings - logo, graphic banner and font types will be lost after installation of this version! Make sure you set it up again in CMP Settings. Thank you for understanding :)
- New Feature: CMP Redirect Mode. You can select only redirect mode, and visitor will be redirected to specified URL.
- New Feature: Favicon image/icon settings under SEO Settings.
- New Feature: CMP Settings new sub-pages: View Subscribers, About.
- New Feature: Subscribers can be listed, deleted or exported on a separate page now.
- New Feature: Text logo is dislayed if not graphic logo is selected.
- New Feature: IP Address of visitor added to subscribers list.
- New Feature: CMP Settings sections are expansive on click.
- Change: CMP Settings Page moved directly to WP-ADMIN menu.
- Change: New TABS on CMP Settings: "Content" and "Theme Setup". All settings on "Content" tab is shared across all Themes. Settings on "Theme Setup" is Theme specific settings: Logo, Background media(image, colors, patterns, etc), Colors and Font types.
- Many other small UI changes in CMP Settings page.
- Completely redesigned Theme Selector. You can now see Theme version, see more details with big images, etc.
- Added Save Button to each section to enhance Settings user experience.
- Updated Text Domain for International translations
- New free theme: Countdown
- Added 8 more free background patterns.
- Many small CMP Settings page UI changes.
- Updated CMP Settings change when Social Inputs Labels where out of its correct positions.
- Updated logic of CMP Theme Update Checker - set to check every 24 hours instead of every time when CMP Settings page was accessed.
- New auto update feature for all Themes.
- Added labels description to Social Icons inputs.
- Added Wordpress notification bar.
- Unsplash Specific Photo now accepts both URLs formats https://unsplash.com/photos/kBJEJqWNtNY and https://unsplash.com/?photo=kBJEJqWNtNY
- Many small enhancements in UI settings.
- Resolved bug: Default Theme Graphic Banner no longer dissappears when Custom Media were uploaded and deleted in CMP Options.
- Resolved bug: Not possible to save Social profiles URLs after release of update 1.4.0.
- New Feature: It is now possible to drag&drop the social menu icons position and enable/disable them.
- New Feature: Fifty theme can have two position of social icons: Footer and Body content.
- Resolved bug : Specific Theme options are now always correctly displayed right after Theme selection change.
- New premium theme: Fifty.
- Updated CSS styles for all free and premium Themes.
- Migrated Thumbnails from comingsoon to cmp domain.
- Resolved issue when plugin update caused deletion of installed Premium themes.
- New premium theme: Hardwork Premium
- Small changes in CMP-Settings page.
- New premium theme: CMP Frame
- Added option to display Label for default CMP Subscribe form.
- Small changes in CMP-Settings page.
- Resolved bug with save settings on old PHP version.