=== MediaElement.js - HTML5 Video & Audio Player ===
Contributors: johndyer
Donate link: http://mediaelementjs.com/
Tags: html5, video, audio, player, flash, mp4, mp3, ogg, webm, wmv, captions, subtitles, websrt, srt, accessible, Silverlight, javascript,
Requires at least: 2.9
Tested up to: 4.9
Stable tag: 4.2.8
MediaElement.js is an HTML5 video and audio player with Flash fallback and captions. Supports IE, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome and iPhone, iPad, Android.
== Description ==
Video and audio plugin for WordPress built on the MediaElement.js HTML5 media player library. Provides Flash or Silverlight fallback players for non-HTML5 browsers. Supports iPhone, iPad, and Andriod.
Supports MP4, OGG, WebM, WMV, MP3, WAV, WMA files as well as captions with WebSRT files.
Check out mediaElementjs.com for more information and examples.
### Typical Usage for video
[video src="http://mysite.com/mymedia.mp4" width="640" height="360"]
### Typical Usage for audio
[audio src="http://mysite.com/mymedia.mp3"]
### Shortcode Options
= Alternatives =
If you have a plugin that conflicts with MediaElement.js, you can also use the short codes
[mejsvideo src="http://mysite.com/mymedia.mp4" width="640" height="360"]
[mejsaudio src="http://mysite.com/mymedia.mp3"]
= src =
This location of any audio or video file
[video src="http://mysite.com/mymedia.mp4"]
You can also leave off the extention and MediaElement.js will look for all media files matching the filename (mymedia.mp4, mymedia.webm, etc.)
[video src="http://mysite.com/mymedia"]
= type =
The media type of the resource
[video src="http://mysite.com/mymedia?xyz" type="video/mp4"]
= mp4 =
The location of the h.264/MP4 source for the video.
[video mp4="http://mysite.com/mymedia.mp4"]
= mp3 =
The location of an MP3 file for video
[audio mp3="http://mysite.com/mymedia.mp3"]
= ogg =
The location of the Theora/Ogg source for the video.
[video ogg="http://mysite.com/mymedia.ogg"]
= webm =
The location of the VP8/WebM source for the video.
[video webm="http://mysite.com/mymedia.webm"]
= poster =
The location of the poster frame for the video.
[video poster="http://mysite.com/mymedia.png"]
= width =
The width of the video
[video width="640"]
= height =
The height of the video
[video height="264"]
= loop =
Loops the video or audio when it ends
[video src="http://mysite.com/mymedia.mp4" loop="true"]
= preload =
Start loading the video as soon as possible, before the user clicks play.
[video preload="true"]
= autoplay =
Start playing the video as soon as it's ready.
[video autoplay="true"]
= fullscreen =
Disables the fullscreen button
[video src="http://mysite.com/mymedia.mp4" fullscreen="false"]
= duration =
Disables the duration output
[video src="http://mysite.com/mymedia.mp4" duration="false"]
= volume =
Disables the volume slider
[video src="http://mysite.com/mymedia.mp4" volume="false"]
= progress =
Disables the progress bar
[video src="http://mysite.com/mymedia.mp4" progress="false"]
= captions =
URL to a WebSRT captions file
[video src="http://mysite.com/mymedia.mp4" captions="http://mysite.com/mymedia.srt"]
= Simple Video =
Basic playback options
[video src="http://mysite.com/mymedia.mp4" width="640" height="360"]
= All Attributes Video =
All options enabled
[video mp4="http://mysite.com/mymedia.mp4" ogg="http://mysite.com/mymedia.ogg" webm="http://mysite.com/mymedia.webm" poster="http://mysite.com/mymedia.png" preload="true" autoplay="true" width="640" height="264"]
= Simple Audio =
Basic playback options
[audio src="http://mysite.com/mymedia.mp3"]
= All Attributes Audio =
All options enabled
[audio mp3="http://mysite.com/mymedia.mp3" ogg="http://mysite.com/mymedia.ogg" preload="true" autoplay="true"]
### Use in a template
You can use Wordpress shortcodes in your templates using the do_shortcode function.
== Installation ==
View MediaElementjs.com for more information.
1. Upload the `media-element-html5-video-and-audio-player` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
2. Activate the plugin through the `Plugins` menu in WordPress
3. Use the `[video]` or `[audio]` shortcode in your post or page with the options on the front page.
== Changelog ==
= 4.2.8 =
* Updating to latest 4.x version
= 2.23.5 =
* Updating to final version of 2.x line (Wordpress 4.9 will have the 4.x branch)
* Updated screenshot
= 2.2.5 =
* Update to 2.2.5 codebase
* Support for true fullscreen in Chrome and Firefox (in addition to Safari)
* Support for 100% sizing
= 2.1.7 =
* Skin selector (default, WMP, TED)
* Audio height and width
* Leave off the extension on the src attribute and files will be automatically detected
= 2.1.4 =
* Updated to latest MediaElement.js code
* Changed scripts to use wp_enqueue_script("mediaelementjs-scripts")
* Changed styles to use wp_enqueue_style("mediaelementjs-styles")
* Added [mejsaudio] and [mejsvideo] as valid short codes. Wordpress's Jetpack will now take over [audio]
= =
* Fixed a problem with Wordpress SVN
= 2.0.6 =
* Updated to 2.0.6 codebase
= 2.0.5 =
* Lots of minor changes to JS code
* better IE6 support
= 2.0.4 =
* Plugin fix
= 2.0.3 =
* Silverlight fix
= 2.0.2 =
* Updated to 2.0.2 MEjs code
= =
* Loop fix
* Video for Everybody Syntax (Works even when JavaScript is turned off)
= =
* Autoplay fix
= 2.0.1 =
* Updated to 2.0.1 version
= 1.1.5 =
* Updated to 1.1.5 version
* Added options to turn controls on/off
* Added loop option
= 1.1.2 =
* Updated to 1.1.2 version
* adds captions support and new style
= 1.1.0 =
* Updated to 1.1 of player
= 1.0.1 =
* Fixed URL bug
* Fixed non-src bugs
= 1.0 =
* First release.
== Upgrade Notice ==
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= Where can I find out more? =
Check out mediaElementjs.com for more examples
= What does this get me over other HTML5 players? =
Most HTML5 players offer one player to modern browsers and then a competely separate Flash player to older browser. This creates an inconsistent look and functionality.
Instead, MediaElement.js upgrades older browsers, using Flash to mimic the entire HTML5 Media API. Then once all the browsers have something that looks like HTML5 Media, we build a consistent player on top using just HTML and CSS.
See original blog post at johndyer.name for a full explanation of MediaElement.js
== Screenshots ==
1. Video player