=== WPGlobus - Multilingual Everything! === Contributors: tivnetinc, alexgff, tivnet Donate link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=SLF8M4YNZHNQN Tags: WPGlobus, localization, multilanguage, multilingual, translation Requires at least: 4.7 Tested up to: 4.8.0 Stable tag: trunk License: GPL-3.0 License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt Multilingual/Globalization: URL-based multilanguage; easy translation interface, compatible with Yoast SEO, All in One SEO Pack and ACF! == Description == **WPGlobus** is a family of WordPress plugins assisting you in making bilingual/multilingual WordPress blogs and sites. = Important Notes: please read before using WPGlobus! = * NO AUTOMATIC TRANSLATION: * WPGlobus does NOT translate texts! You will **translate texts manually**. * PAGE BUILDERS / COMPOSERS: * The free version of WPGlobus is compatible with the WPBakery Visual Composer. Other builders, such as "Page Builder by SiteOrigin", "Beaver Builder", Fusion ("Avada"), Elegant ("Divi"), etc. - **require a premium add-on**, which is currently at the Beta-testing stage. [Please read the details here](https://wpglobus.com/wpglobus-page-builders-support/). * IF YOU WANT TO UNINSTALL: * WPGlobus stores all translations using a special format: `{:en}English{:}{:fr}French{:}{:es}Spanish{:}`. If you decide to **deactivate WPGlobus**, you **must run the clean-up tool** to keep only one language. See the details on the "Welcome" tab in the WPGlobus Settings. * NO MULTISITE: * The **multisite** mode (multiple virtual sites sharing a single WordPress installation) is **not tested and not supported**. * FREE / PAID: * Some functionality is available only with our **premium add-ons**. Details below. * OLD PHP / OLD WORDPRESS: * We develop and test our software using the **latest versions of PHP and WordPress only**. If you have an older version and something is not working properly - please contact us and we'll help. * MBSTRING: * For the full UTF-8 compatibility and better performance, please make sure that the [Multibyte String](http://php.net/manual/en/intro.mbstring.php) PHP extension is enabled. Please read the [Quick Start Guide](https://wpglobus.com/quick-start/) to see how WPGlobus works. = What is in the FREE version of WPGlobus? = The WPGlobus plugin provides you with the general multilingual tools. * **Manually translate** posts, pages, categories, tags, menus, and widgets; If you need help with translation, please check out our [Professional Translation Services](https://wpglobus.com/translator/) directory; * **Add one or several languages** to your WP blog/site using custom combinations of country flags, locales and language names; * **Enable multilingual SEO features** of "Yoast SEO" (FREE) and "All in One SEO" plugins; * **Switch the languages at the front-end** using: a drop-down menu extension and/or a customizable widget with various display options; * **Switch the Administrator interface language** using a top bar selector; The WPGlobus plugin serves as the **foundation** to other plugins in the family. = There are several Free Add-ons: = * [WPGlobus Featured Images](https://wordpress.org/plugins/wpglobus-featured-images/): allows setting featured images separately for each language. * [WPGlobus Translate Options](https://wordpress.org/plugins/wpglobus-translate-options/): enables selective translation of the `wp_options` table strings. You need to use it when your theme or a 3rd party plugin (a slider, for example) allows you to enter some texts (headings, buttons, etc.) and stores them in the `options` table. * [WPGlobus for WPBakery Visual Composer](https://wordpress.org/plugins/wpglobus-for-wpbakery-visual-composer/): enables WPGlobus on certain themes that use WPBakery's Composer. Please note that Visual Composer is a commercial product, and therefore our support is limited. * [WPGlobus for Black Studio TinyMCE Widget](https://wordpress.org/plugins/wpglobus-for-black-studio-tinymce-widget/): adds multilingual editing capabilities to the visual editor widget. = When do I need WPGlobus Premium Add-ons? = * To translate URLs (`/my-page/` translates to `/fr/ma-page`, `/ru/моя-страница` and so on); * To "postpone" translation to all languages and publish only those that are ready; * To have completely separate menus for each language; * To translate WooCommerce products and taxonomies; * To have separate "focus keywords" for each language in the Yoast SEO; * ...and more. For more details, please check out the descriptions of each paid add-on on our website: * [WooCommerce WPGlobus](https://wpglobus.com/product/woocommerce-wpglobus/): adds multilingual capabilities to WooCommerce-based online stores. * [WPGlobus Plus](https://wpglobus.com/product/wpglobus-plus/): adds URL fine-tuning, publishing status per translation, multilingual Yoast SEO analysis and more. Note: Yoast SEO Premium is not officially supported by WPGlobus. * [WPGlobus Language Widgets](https://wpglobus.com/product/wpglobus-language-widget/): Multilingual widget logic: show and hide widget depending on the current language. * [WPGlobus Header Images](https://wpglobus.com/product/wpglobus-header-images/): Display different header images per language. Show images depending on the settings in the Customizer. * [WPGlobus Menu Visibility](https://wpglobus.com/product/wpglobus-menu-visibility/): Show or hide menu items depending on the current language. * [WPGlobus Mobile Menu](https://wpglobus.com/product/wpglobus-mobile-menu/): makes the WPGlobus language switcher menu compatible with mobile devices and narrow screens. * [WPGlobus for Slider Revolution](https://wpglobus.com/product/wpglobus-for-slider-revolution/): Adds multilingual capabilities to the Slider Revolution plugin. * [Multilingual WooCommerce Nets Netaxept](https://wpglobus.com/product/multilingual-woocommerce-nets-netaxept/): with this add-on, you will be able to translate the Nets payment methods' titles and descriptions to multiple languages. = Compatibility with WordPress Themes = * WPGlobus works correctly with all themes that apply proper filtering before outputting content. * As most of the themes save their settings in the `options` table, you can use the [WPGlobus Translate Options](https://wordpress.org/plugins/wpglobus-translate-options/) plugin to process those settings correctly. * Some themes incorporate 3rd party plugins (e.g., sliders, forms, composers) - not all of them are 100% multilingual-ready. When you see elements that cannot be translated, please **tell the theme/plugin authors**. We are ready to help them. * Read more on the topic [here](https://wpglobus.com/documentation/wpglobus-compatibility-with-themes-and-plugins/). = Compatibility with WordPress Plugins = WPGlobus is compatible with many plugins, including but not limited to: * ACF - Advanced Custom Fields. [WPGlobus Plus](https://wpglobus.com/product/wpglobus-plus/) premium add-on is required for WYSIWYG fields support, * All in One SEO Pack, * Black Studio TinyMCE Widget (with our free add-on), * MailChimp for WordPress, * Max Mega Menu, * Popups - WordPress Popup, * Sidebar Login, * The Events Calendar, * WPBakery Visual Composer (with our free add-on), * Whistles, * Widget Logic, * Yoast SEO. [WPGlobus Plus](https://wpglobus.com/product/wpglobus-plus/) premium add-on is required for multilingual focus keyword and SEO analysis. **Note:** the "Premium" version of Yoast SEO has some compatibility issues and we currently do not support it. Some 3rd-party plugins are supported with our [premium add-ons](https://wpglobus.com/shop/): * [Slider Revolution](https://wpglobus.com/product/wpglobus-for-slider-revolution/), * [TablePress](https://wpglobus.com/product/wpglobus-plus/#tablepress), * [WooCommerce and some of its extensions](https://wpglobus.com/product/woocommerce-wpglobus/), * [WooCommerce Nets Netaxept Payment Plugin](https://wpglobus.com/product/multilingual-woocommerce-nets-netaxept/) = Permalinks = **IMPORTANT:** WPGlobus will not work if your URLs look like `example.com?p=123` or `example.com/index.php/category/post/`. Please go to `Settings->Permalinks` and change the permalink structure to non-default and with no `index.php` in it. If you are unable to do that for some reason, please talk to your hosting provider or systems administrator. **Note:** WooCommerce adds their own section to the Permalinks. It is important to fill in all the information. For example, you need to specify your Shop Base, for example, `/product/`. If you leave it blank, WooCommerce will try to translate the base (eg `/produkt/` for German), which will result in a 404 error. = Developing on `localhost` or custom ports = WPGlobus may not work correctly on development servers having URLs like `//localhost/mysite` or on custom ports like `//myserver.dev:3000`. Please use a proper domain name (a fake one from `/etc/hosts` is OK), and port 80. = More info and ways to contact the WPGlobus Development Team = * [WPGlobus.com website](https://wpglobus.com/). * [Open source code on GitHub](https://github.com/WPGlobus). * WPGlobus on social networks: [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/WPGlobus), [Twitter](https://twitter.com/WPGlobus), [Google Plus](https://plus.google.com/+Wpglobus), [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/company/wpglobus). = Admin interface translations: = **NOTE:** Please do not translate anything using the WordPress interface! Join our translation team on Transifex or translate the POT file using `POEdit`. Thank you! * `de_DE` by [Tobias Hopp](http://www.tobiashopp.info/) ~ [WPGlobus ist ein Paket von mehreren WordPress-Plugins, die Möglichkeiten zur Übersetzung von Wordpress-Installationen bieten.](https://de.wordpress.org/plugins/wpglobus/) * `es_ES` by [FX Bénard](http://wp-translations.org/) and [Patricia Casado](http://mascositas.com/) ~ [WPGlobus es una familia de plugins de WordPress que ayudan en la traducción de blogs de WordPress.](https://es.wordpress.org/plugins/wpglobus/) * `fr_FR` by [FX Bénard](http://wp-translations.org/) ~ [WPGlobus fait partie des extensions WordPress qui vous aident à rendre les blogs et les sites WordPress multilingues.](https://fr.wordpress.org/plugins/wpglobus/) * `id_ID` by [ChameleonJohn](https://www.chameleonjohn.com/) ~ [WPGlobus adalah keluarga plugin WordPress yang membantu Anda dalam membuat blog dan situs WordPress multibahasa.](https://id.wordpress.org/plugins/wpglobus/) * `pl_PL` by [Maciej Gryniuk](http://maciej-gryniuk.tk/) ~ [WPGlobus jest rodziną wtyczek do WordPress'a pomocnych w tworzeniu wielojęzycznych blogów i stron na WordPress'ie.](https://pl.wordpress.org/plugins/wpglobus/) * `ro_RO` by [Rodica-Elena Andronache](http://themeisle.com/) ~ [WPGlobus este o familie de plugin-uri WordPress ce te asistă în realizarea de bloguri și site-uri WordPress multilingve.](https://ro.wordpress.org/plugins/wpglobus/) * `ru_RU` by [The WPGlobus Team](https://wpglobus.com/ru/) ~ [WPGlobus - это коллекция плагинов ВордПресс для создания мультиязычных сайтов](https://ru.wordpress.org/plugins/wpglobus/) * `sv_SE` by [Elger Lindgren](http://bilddigital.se/) ~ [WPGlobus är en familj av WordPress-tillägg som hjälper dig att göra flerspråkiga Wordpressbloggar och webbplatser.](https://sv.wordpress.org/plugins/wpglobus/) * `tr_TR` by [Borahan Conkeroglu](https://twitter.com/boracon68) ~ [WPGlobus WordPress bloglarını ve sitelerini çokdilli yapmakta size yardım eden bir WordPress eklentileri ailesidir.](https://tr.wordpress.org/plugins/wpglobus/) * `uk` by [Pavlo Novak](https://plus.google.com/u/0/114797816817149043222) ~ ["WPGlobus - це колекція ВордПресс плагінів для створення багатомовних сайтів."](https://uk.wordpress.org/plugins/wpglobus/) == Installation == You can install this plugin directly from your WordPress dashboard: 1. Go to the *Plugins* menu and click *Add New*. 1. Search for *WPGlobus*. 1. Click *Install Now* next to the WPGlobus plugin. 1. Activate the plugin. Alternatively, see the guide to [Manually Installing Plugins](http://codex.wordpress.org/Managing_Plugins#Manual_Plugin_Installation). Then please read the [Quick Start Guide](https://wpglobus.com/quick-start/). == Frequently Asked Questions == = Please read these first: = * [The Quick Start Guide](https://wpglobus.com/quick-start/) * [Before contacting Support...](https://wpglobus.com/before-contacting-wpglobus-support/) = When I switch language, I am getting 404 on all pages = Please go to the `Admin - Settings - Permalinks` page. Make sure that the `Common Settings` is not set to "Plain" and then press the `Save Changes` button. It should help. = From the WPGlobus.com FAQ Archives: = * [Do you support PHP 5.x? PHP 7?](https://wpglobus.com/faq/support-php-5-2/) * [Do you support MSIE / Opera / Safari / Chrome / Firefox - Version x.x?](https://wpglobus.com/faq/support-msie-opera-safari-chrome-firefox/) * [Do you plan to support subdomains and URL query parameters?](https://wpglobus.com/faq/subdomains-and-url-query-parameters/) * [I am using WPML, qTranslate-X, Polylang, Multilingual Press, etc. Can I switch to WPGlobus?](https://wpglobus.com/faq/i-am-using-wpml-qtranslate-polylang-multilingual-press-etc-can-i-switch-to-wpglobus/) * [Do you support WooCommerce, EDD, other e-Commerce plugins?](https://wpglobus.com/faq/support-woocommerce-edd/) * [Is it possible to set the user's language automatically based on IP and/or browser language?](https://wpglobus.com/faq/set-language-by-ip/) * [How do I contribute to WPGlobus?](https://wpglobus.com/faq/how-do-i-contribute-to-wpglobus/) == Screenshots == 1. The Welcome screen. 2. Settings panel. 3. Languages setup. 4. Attaching language switcher to a menu. 5. Editing post in multiple languages. 6. Multilingual Yoast SEO and Featured Images. 7. Language Switcher widget and Multilingual Editor dialog. 8. Multilingual WooCommerce store powered by [WooCommerce WPGlobus](https://wpglobus.com/product/woocommerce-wpglobus/). == Upgrade Notice == = 1.8.0 = WPGlobus 1.8.x is required for WordPress 4.8. == Changelog == = 1.8.2 = * ADDED: * Customizer: support TinyMCE editor in controls. * Customizer: preview refresh. = 1.8.1 = * ADDED: * New filter `wpglobus_after_localize_current_url`. * Support for the Multilingual Taxonomy Slug module in WPGlobus Plus. = 1.8.0 = * COMPATIBILITY: * WordPress 4.8 * Yoast SEO 4.9 * FIXED: * Yoast SEO: CSS fix for the Premium version. * Core: No warning on the Helpdesk page if `php_uname` is disabled for security reason. * ADDED: * Automatic redirect to the visitor's preferred language (first visit only). To turn it on, go to `WPGlobus -> Redirect` in the Admin menu. = Earlier versions = * [See the complete changelog here](https://github.com/WPGlobus/WPGlobus/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md) = WooCommerce-WPGlobus = * [See the changelog here](https://wpglobus.com/extensions/woocommerce-wpglobus/woocommerce-wpglobus-changelog/) == Demo Sites == * [WPGlobus.com](https://wpglobus.com/): * Bilingual site using a variety of posts, pages, custom post types, forms, and a WooCommerce store with Subscription and API extensions. * [Site in a subfolder](http://demo-subfolder.wpglobus.com/): * Demonstration of two WPGlobus-powered sites, one of which is installed in a subfolder of another. Shows the correct behavior of WPGlobus with URLs like `example.com/folder/wordpress`. * [WooCommerce Multilingual](http://demo-store.wpglobus.com/): * A multilingual WooCommerce site powered by the `woocommerce-wpglobus` plugin.