=== Broken Link Manager === Contributors: flashcentury Tags: Broken, Link, URL, 301, 404, Backlink, checker, SEO, Google, 404 page, Borken url, wordpress 404, Redirect,seo Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 4.2.2 Stable tag: 0.6.5 Donate link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=8NYR3F4RVTBHS This plugin helps you check, organize and monitor your broken backlink. == Description == Wordpress Broken Link Manager continuously detects broken backlinks to your website and archives them. If you want, you can be informed by email as soon as a new broken link is detected. You can either direct all your broken links to a default page or connect them to any page individually. > SEO Friendly
> Method 301, as recommended by Google, is used in the routing process. Thus, you will not suffer from loss by broken links in terms of SEO.
> [Click here for more information about 301 redirect](https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/93633?hl=en) For analysis and reporting, WBLM connects to your web site as 301 and 404, and keeps a record of the users and the boots in the log file. You can follow the data graphically on the dashboard. You can also create a short link manually to connect to the page you want. For example: yourdomain.com/tag/wordpress -> yourdomain.com/wp > Language
> [- English (Hülya Kocak)](http://brokenlinkmanager.com)
> [- Deutsch (Berkant Kacar)](http://beqo.de)
> [- Türkçe (Hüseyin Kocak)](http://k-78.de)
> [- Français (Thomas L’Excellent)](http://www.thomaslexcellent.com)

> [- Download .pot file for your language](http://brokenlinkmanager.com/wblm.pot.zip)
== Installation == Extract the zip file and just drop the contents in the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation and then activate the Plugin from Plugins page. == Screenshots == 1. WBLM Dashboard 2. Redirected URLs 3. WBLM URL Log 4. WBLM Settings == Changelog == = 0.6.5 = * Optimized POST calls * Some security measures were taken * Fixed small bug = 0.6.0 = * Take measure against XSS attack = 0.5.5 = * Some security measures were taken * Fixed small bug = 0.5.0 = * Take measure against SQL injection attack * Added French Language (Thanks, Thomas L’Excellent) = 0.4.5 = * Compatibility with WP 4.2.2 * Fixed empty Log feature same Small bug = 0.4.0 = * Compatibility with WP 4.2 * Small bug fixes. * Added optional empty Log feature = 0.3.5 = * Optimized plugin install (Database table query) * Added German Language * Added Turkish Language * Added Language Master File (wblm.pot) If you send your language to translate. We were very pleased and will be added along with your name. = 0.3.3 = * Compatibility with WP 4.1 = 0.3.2 = * Added Bulk Edit feature (Broken and Redirected URLs) * Added Empty All Log feature * Added Empty All Broken URLs feature = 0.3.1 = * Added link type (image, page, video, ..) * Added multilanguage feature = 0.3.0 = * wp_debug_log warnings were organized. * Added Bulk delete feature * Added Bulk delete feature for LOG * Added menu icon * Beta version now ended = 0.2.9 BETA = * When the first activation, the default redirect URL is passive. * Plugin menu was organized according to user roles. (Roles_and_Capabilities) Fix “Notice: has_cap was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.0!” in WordPress * All notices given in WB_DEBUG_LOG was held. * Beta version ended (0.3.0) = 0.2.8 BETA = * Added new visual features. * Fixed plugin activation error * coding optimization was = 0.2.7 BETA = * Corrected error log entries * Added menu icon * MySQL version feature added = 0.2.6 BETA = * Wordpress Tables integrated. Small bug fixes. = 0.2.5 BETA = * Log optimized. = 0.2.4 BETA = * Tables were optimized. * Mail sending optimized. = 0.2.3 BETA = * Added new graph visualization. * Added orginal Wordpress Table (WP List Table) = 0.2.2 BETA = * Added new visual features. * Added delete and edit feature. = 0.2.1 BETA = * Added Waybackmachine feature You can see the old version of broken links * You can see the ref url and visitors IP (in LOG) = 0.2.0 BETA = * Created graphics in the admin panel * Now has a name : WBLM -> Wordpress Broken Link Manager * plugin was organized = 0.1.9 BETA = * Added default URL feature * Can set active or passive (Setting -> Default URL) = 0.1.8 BETA = * Added Setting feature * Can set email setting -> (Setting -> Email to, from, CC and BCC) = 0.1.7 BETA = * Features can be active or passive * Added URL Hit feature = 0.1.6 ALPHA = * plug-in was organized = 0.1.5 ALPHA = * Added Bootstrap Table for Broken URLs list * Change Admin Panel = 0.1.4 ALPHA = * Added lOG * MySQL was organized structure * Added new visual features. = 0.1.3 ALPHA = * Added manuel URL add feature = 0.1.2 ALPHA = * Added an email alert feature * URL redirect whit 301 method = 0.1.1 ALPHA = * Added an email alert feature = 0.1.0 ALPHA = * The First Release