3.1 - Added WooCommerce 3.6.5 compatibility - Updated WPBakery Page Builder to 6.0.3 - Updated Layer Slider to 6.8.4 3.0.3 - Fixed overlapping slider and content on mac devices 3.0.2 - Added WooCommerce 3.6.1 compatibility - Fixed problem with Blog -> Blog Single -> Sidebar Layout option - Fixed problem with Like on single portfolio, post - Fixed problem with display like, share on single post 3.0.1 - Updated Eltd Cpt plugin to 2.1 - Improved theme security - Fixed minor bugs 3.0 (Major update) - Added Moose Instagram Feed plugin - Added WooCommerce 3.5.7 compatibility - Updated Layer Slider to 6.8.2 - Updated WPBakery Page Builder to 5.7 - Updated Eltd Cpt plugin - Improved theme templates, modules and functions - Improved theme security - Improved comments list - Escaped all variables, text domains etc. - Renamed all functions, hooks, templates with unique name - Removed custom_css.php and custom_js.php files and improved logic to add custom code as inline - Removed unnecessary functions, variables etc. - Fixed theme text domain - Fixed bugs 2.2 - Added compatibility with WordPress 5 - Added WooCommerce 3.5.4 compatibility - Added GDPR compliance for blog post comments - Updated WPBakery Page Builder to 5.6 - Updated Envato Market to 2.0.1 - Updated POT file for theme and core plugin - Fixed error message on image upload for Portfolio CPT - Fixed product remove "X" on cart page - Fixed header skin option when page transitions are enabled - Improved some labels for translation 2.1 - Added WooCommerce 3.4.4 compatibility - Added compatibility with Gutenberg plugin - Updated Visual Composer to 5.5.2 - Updated Layer Slider to 6.7.6 2.0 - Added compatibility with PHP 7.2 - Updated Visual Composer to 5.4.7 - Updated Layer Slider to 6.7.1 - Updated Envato Market to 2.0.0 - Improved Side Area menu functionality - Fixed My Account username input field 1.9 - Added Woocommerce 3.2.5 compatibility - Added Envato Market plugin as required - Added recommended plugins (WooCommerce and Contact Form 7) - Updated WPBakery Page Builder to 5.4.5 - Updated Layer Slider to 6.6.4 - Improved import functionality 1.8.1 - Fixed mobile menu anchor functionality 1.8 - Added Woocommerce 3.1.2 compatibility - Updated Visual Composer to 5.2.1 - Updated Layer Slider to 6.5.8 - Fixed potential security issue when saving theme options 1.7 - Added Woocommerce 2.6.11 compatibility - Updated Layer Slider to 6.1.0 - Updated Font Awesome icons to 4.7.0 - Fixed the Select Slider issue with new Chrome version - Fixed lightbox (PrettyPhoto) effect on Image Gallery 1.6 - Added Woocommerce 2.6.8 compatibility - Updated Visual Composer to 5.0.1 - Updated Layer Slider to 6.0.6 1.5 - Added Woocommerce 2.6.5 compatibility - Added field for entering Google Maps API key - Updated TGM Plugin Activation to 2.6.1 - Updated Font Awesome icons to 4.6.3 - Updated Visual Composer to 4.12.1 - Updated Layer Slider to 5.6.10 1.4 - Added Woocommerce 2.6.1 compatibility - Updated Visual Composer to 4.12 - Updated Layer Slider to 5.6.8 - Fixed Social Share functionality - Fixed issue with Image carousel navigation 1.3.1 - Updated Visual Composer to - Updated Layer Slider to 5.6.6 - Fixed bug with custom widget area deleting 1.3 - Added WordPress 4.5 compatibility - Updated Visual Composer to 4.11.1 1.2 - Added WooCommerce 2.4.12 compatibility - Updated Visual Composer to 4.9.1 - Fixed backend editor bug with two Elated tabs for shortcodes - Fixed spacing issue causing 404 error in WP admin - Fixed bug with Icon element not rendering font-awesome icons - Fixed bug with Social Icons element not rendering font-awesome icons - Fixed bug with Icon With Text element not rendering font-awesome icons - Fixed Google Map Warning that Sensor parameter is no longer being required - Fixed bug with Like button for single posts not working - Fixed issue with Ajax Page Transitions not working - Fixed Lightbox for Vimeo Videos bug in Single Portfolio 1.1.1 - Updated Visual Composer to 4.7.4 - Fixed Browser back button and ajax page transitions 1.1 - Added performance improvements - Fixed layerslider-export.zip problem